Texprint Mono. Water-based ink for Screen Printing. 250 Gr – 0.5 – 1 – 5 Kg Packs. Ideal for Natural Fabrics and Paper


Texprint Mono. Water-based ink for Screen Printing. 250 Gr – 0.5 – 1 – 5 Kg Packs. Ideal for Natural Fabrics and Paper

Water Based Screenprinting Ink
For screen printing on natural fabrics and paper
Dries at room temperature
250 Gr, 0,5 Kg, 1 Kg and 5 kg Pots
Also in 250 Gr Anti-Waste Pots


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Texprint Mono Amex water-based ink in 250 Gr, 0,5 Kg, 1 Kg and 5 kg pots.

To improve resistance to washing, we suggest using the Texprint universal catalyst.Hot air drying accelerates the drying process and improves resistance to washing.

We recommend only adding the catalyst to the portion of ink that’s going to be used, because the ink will become unusable within a couple of hours.

One of the key characteristics of the Texprint mono Amex ink is its excellent coverage. It’s ready for use and can be diluted with water.

Aquatech Texprint Mono Amex is autoreticulating and available in a variety of colours, it’s also ideal for dark backgrounds.

It’s resistant to washing even without oven drying.

Texprint mono Amex inks are ideal for fabrics which are unable to withstand high temperatures, or in situations where polymerising isn’t possible.


I bought some water-based Texprint Mono inks from you for printing on cotton t-shirts. I also purchased a retardant gel to prevent early drying. But often, after I've used the frame and before stripping it, there's a lot of ink left on the frame and even rubbing it with my hand doesn't help to remove it. What might be the solution?
Answer to the question from Agnita

When working with water-based inks, prevention is always the best solution: the ink should never be allowed to dry on the screen, it needs to be cleaned away whilst still wet.

The retardant can help, but it’s the screen printing technique and the speed of the screen printer that are key.

In any case, an abrasive sponge soaked with water can help to remove the dry ink:  even if it washes away some emulsion, this will only help the liquid stripper to work better.

Make sure you soak the sponge with water, not with solvent: with water-based inks the solvent just creates a sludge that’s impossible to manage.

Is it always better to add the RETARDANT GEL to the specific amount of ink to be used or is it possible to just put it in the original jar and mix it in there? The reason for asking is I’d like to know if it will dry out or spoil the ink if it doesn’t get used for a long time.
Answer to the question from Amelia

The retardant gel that’s added to the ink doesn’t go off or go bad, so, in theory, you can add it all at once, up to a maximum of 3%.

Higher percentages would slow down the drying process too much, including on the mesh.
Having said that, since it isn’t always necessary to add gel, because it’s all dependent on the room temperature and the air humidity, we recommend adding gel only to the amount of ink you plan to use and only when necessary.

Any leftover ink, even if it contains gel, can be poured back into the jar.

How many prints can you get from one pot of Texprint water-based ink?
Answer to the question from Carla

The number of prints always depends on the size of the design and the way the squeegee is used to apply the ink.

Usually, with one kilo of ink, you can expect to get about 500 prints.

Is it absolutely necessary to add a catalyst to Texprint inks or can they be used without it?
Answer to the question from Frank

The Texprint catalyst comes included with the ink itself and 5% should be added in relation to the total weight of the ink (e.g. 1kg of ink, add 50g of catalyst). Whilst it isn’t absolutely necessary to add the catalyst, it is strongly recommended, especially in certain weather conditions.

Is the transparent Amex Texprint Mono ink actually transparent (i.e. offers excellent refraction) or is it more translucent?
Answer to the question from Eloise

The transparent Amex Texprint Mono screen printing ink is transparent.

It’s usually used as a base for adding other products to, such as pigments or gold/silver powders to achieve a metallic effect.

After opening the tin, how long will the ink keep?
Answer to the question from Luca

If stored in the original packaging at a temperature between 15 and 25°C, Texprint Mono Amex water-based ink retains its properties for 1 year from the date of manufacture.


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