Solvent 110 BIO Amex. For cleaning screen printing frames. 0.5 and 1 Liter Packs


Solvent 110 BIO Amex. For cleaning screen printing frames. 0.5 and 1 Liter Packs

Solvent suitable for removing traces of Plastitol inks and Solvent Base from the frame
Completely odorless
Also in 0.5-Liter Anti-Waste Packaging


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Full description

Solvent to clean the frames from Plastisol and Solvent Based inks.

It is a completely odorless type of solvent.

Removing the ink from the frame is also essential to proceed, subsequently, to remove the gelatin and reuse the frame with another decoration.

In fact, even a thin layer of ink creates a barrier between the canvas and the stripping product, making it impossible to remove the emulsion.

This product is particularly interesting and suitable for closed environments because it is completely odorless.


Can this screen-printing solvent be disposed of in the domestic sewage system or does it pose a risk to the environment?
Answer to the question from Tim

I can answer this question from our direct experience: the disposal company that we use for our waste considers paper-hand towels that have been dirtied with ink to be hazardous waste with EWC code 15 02 02* (absorbents, filter materials, wiping cloths and protective clothing contaminated with hazardous substances).

As this is a complex matter, one that can be subject to various interpretations, I recommend that you seek the advice of a local specialised advisory organisation, or similar association, or of the specialised company that’s responsible for your waste disposal.


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